3 Spanish Guitar Channels For Your Journaling Needs
I 💖❣💓💘💝❣️Spanish guitar. You may see more posts or newsletter content that features this type of music, you've been warned.
Hello Fellow Journalers!🖊️📖
Welcome to this month's background music post for your journaling needs. Because music is necessary.

Moving on.
I 💖❣💓💘💝❣️Spanish guitar. You may see more posts or newsletter content that features this type of music, you've been warned. Here we go! Spanish Guitar and Journaling! (you didn't expect that one, did you?)
Lantern Youtube Music Channel has a lovely 3 hour Spanish guitar medley that is slow and relaxing. At the writing of this post, you can listen to this music exclusively on Youtube.
Flamenco Guitar is a distinct sound and art form. The music can be upbeat, passionate, sad, slow, etc. One of my favorite artists is Paco Peña. You can find the entire Toques Flamencos album playlist on ownedapotitis Youtube Channel. At the time of writing, the content of this channel is exclusively on Youtube.
Looking for something easy and upbeat? Try out In Balance Youtube Music Channel. This video is about 40 minutes long with heart-warming tunes against a Spanish architectural backdrop. At the time of writing this post, you can find In Balance Music exclusively on Youtube.
I hope you liked these channel suggestions. As always, if you have preferred music to journal to, please leave in the comments!
Interested in other music-centered posts? Check out the following:
Before you go, have you heard? I launched my first published work called Reframe the Sabotage: A Transformation Journal! It's available on Amazon, in eBook, paperback and hardcover formats.

I'm looking forward to connecting with you on our next journaling conversation.
-A Very Enthusiastic Journaler
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