I love meaningful collaboration. If you wish to pitch an idea for a guest blog or guest photography, you may send an email to

Hello Fellow Content Creators!
Do you have a story about journaling? Do you love it more than cheeseburgers and chocolate shakes? Are you looking to spotlight your photography? Your artistic skills? Keep reading!
I love meaningful collaboration. If you wish to pitch an idea for a guest blog or guest photography, you may send an email to If you're looking to see my work not on the Why We Journal blog, head over here.
Guest Bloggers
You may include one link in your guest blog to your website or social media. If you wish to include an additional link for a product or service from your brand, this requires a separate agreement between Why We Journal and you.
No headshots. Your article and title will be subject to editing to fit the needs of Why We Journal, but the integrity of the writing will be maintained. This is an unpaid opportunity.
Please note the following guidelines when emailing your pitch:
- Read content not allowed rules
- NO journal prompts.
- Read the blog to keep in mind preferred content and article types that is part of the Why We Journal brand.
- Ideas for articles that fit the Why We Journal brand include but are not limited to: autobiographical testimonies on journaling, historical journals and their owners, and product reviews. Please include the appropriate citations and links to references that add depth, authority, and proof to your article.
- In the email subject line write WHY WE JOURNAL BLOG PITCH in all caps please. This helps it stand out from all the other emails I get daily.
- Create a shareable link where I can view the blog article. You may use any cloud service you prefer. PLEASE DO NOT SEND THE ARTICLE. This is your artistic work.
- Still stumped on ideas? Go here for interview questions for fellow creators.
Guest Photographers
Journal photos are an integral, fun and amazing piece of the Why We Journal brand! I endeavor to include credit and links to every photographer. If you wish to really show off your photography skills and make Why We Journal a part of your portfolio, a series of journal photos may be considered and showcased in one photographical blog piece. This is an unpaid opportunity.
Please note the following guidelines when emailing your photography pitch:
- Read content not allowed rules
- DO take photos of fun, colorful artistic journals, old journals, plain journals, stacks of journals, historical journals, etc.
- I love visual complexity and photos having a clear focus
- DO include diversity when able
- While photos with faces will be considered, please keep in mind my preference for having faces blurred, out of focus, etc.
- In the email subject line write WHY WE JOURNAL PHOTOGRAPHY PITCH in all caps please. This helps it stand out from all other emails I get daily.
- Create a shareable link where I can view the photos. You may use any cloud service you prefer. PLEASE DO NOT SEND THE PHOTOS. This is your artistic work.
- Still stumped on ideas? Go here for interview questions for fellow creators.
Content Not Allowed
No plagiarism, misleading content or impersonation
No depiction of harmful or dangerous acts
No hate speech, harassment or cyberbullying
No nudity, sexually explicit depictions, sexualization or exploitation
No violence, graphic, or body harm content
No content that implies or supports child endangerment
No inappropriate language, shocking, incendiary or demeaning content

Other Ideas?
Email me! I love a great idea, and I love a great collab!
For collaborators looking to guest post:
If you're a reader who found this page and wish to contact me, please use